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CIPD Level 7 – Advanced Diploma in Strategic People Management

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The CIPD Level 7 Advanced Diploma in Strategic People Management is a challenging HR qualification designed for experienced professionals or those with an HR degree aiming for senior positions. It equips you with strategic thinking, business expertise, and advanced people management skills to design and implement HR strategies. The program involves core units on strategic people management, talent management, and employee relations, along with specialized electives, and prepares you for leadership roles. Earning this diploma increases your earning potential, grants eligibility for chartered membership with CIPD, and is recognized worldwide by employers.

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The program is designed to be completed over a two-year period, with intensive study modules scheduled for eight months of the year. Each module will consist of five consecutive days of instruction.

To ensure mastery of the covered material, participants will be required to submit a comprehensive assignment following each module. These assignments will typically exceed 5,000 words and must be supported by relevant evidence to demonstrate learning outcomes.

  • A minimum of 10 years in HR is required to ensure a strong foundation for strategic thinking.
  • Current senior HR management experience (e.g., HR Director, HR VP) is necessary to demonstrate strategic leadership ability.
  • High English fluency is essential for program participation and comprehension of complex concepts.