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RH124 – Red Hat System Administration I

10 Weeks
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This course is designed for IT professionals with no prior Linux system administration experience. It equips you with the foundational skills to manage Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).

There are no items in the curriculum yet.
  • Introduction to Linux and RHEL Ecosystem: Gain an understanding of Linux basics and how RHEL fits into the IT landscape.
  • Command Line and Shell Environment: Learn to navigate the shell environment, execute commands, and utilize basic troubleshooting techniques.
  • File and Directory Management: Explore techniques for creating, copying, moving, organizing, and securing files and directories.
  • User and Group Administration: Understand how to create, manage, and enforce security policies for users and groups.
  • Systemd Services: Manage system services using systemd, including starting, stopping, and monitoring their status.
  • Remote Access Configuration: Configure secure remote access to the system using web console and SSH.
  • Network Configuration: Learn to configure network interfaces and manage network settings for optimal functionality.
  • Software Management with DNF: Explore the DNF package manager for installing, updating, and removing software packages.

The RH124 Red Hat System Administration I course requires basic computer skills and no prior Linux experience. While familiarity with basic computer concepts and a comfort level with the command line are helpful, they are not mandatory. Internet access is recommended for additional learning resources.