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Developing ASP.NET Web Applications C#

10 Weeks
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تم تطوير ASP.NET من قبل مايكروسوفت لبناء تطبيقات الويب الديناميكية والتفاعلية. يعتبر إطار العمل هذا مجانيًا ومفتوح المصدر، ويقدم مجموعة شاملة من الأدوات والميزات التي تسهل عملية التطوير، مما يجعله خيارًا شائعًا بين مطوري الويب.

  • Foundational Knowledge:
  • Grasp ASP.NET’s core concepts, versions, and benefits.
  • Server-Side Coding:
  • Master C# and Razor Pages for server-side development.
  • MVC Architecture:
  • Leverage MVC for organized and efficient web app development.
  • UI & API Development:
  • Choose between Web Forms for visual UI building or Web APIs for data exposure.

Basic Programming Knowledge:

  • Grasp fundamental concepts: Understand variables, data types, loops, conditional statements, and functions. Introductory courses in Python, Java, or C++ can provide this foundation.
  • HTML and CSS Fundamentals:
  • HTML: Know how to structure web pages using HTML elements and tags.
  • CSS: Understand how to style web pages using CSS selectors and properties. This knowledge is crucial as ASP.NET applications generate HTML content.
  • (Optional) Familiarity with C#:
  • Prior exposure to C# is helpful: C# is the primary language used for ASP.NET development. However, you can learn C# alongside ASP.NET if you’re new to the language.